Saturday, April 5, 2008

The Adventures Continues..

Over the past few months as I have been struggling through some major life changes, I have to say that the Lord has been gracious in providing me with enough "distractions" to keep me going. One of them has been playing my viola and prepping for my brother-in-law's recital. Almost nine years ago when I started having hand problems, my then viola teacher suggested that I give up the whole music thing and get a new major. Thankfully the Lord had other plans...but it did mean putting my viola on the back burner and taking up violin instead.

But the Lord had told me that I would play again someday--and it looks like that "someday" has indeed come. So He is faithful no matter the circumstances. And it goes to show me that I need to learn to trust Him more--only He can see the beginning from the end, and only He knows what is best for me. Since He has shown Himself faithful in this area in my life--something I've waited nine years for--it seems that it should be easy to trust Him with all the other areas of my life. Unfortunately, I haven't been the best student in that regard. But thankfully He is a patient teacher.

The recital went well Wednesday and I am more excited to practice now than I was before. I am also excited to see what else the Lord has in store. And even if it is just me and my viola working on Kreutzer and Bach, that is perfectly fine. Today I attended the spring recorder workshop and got to try a bass viola da gamba. I've never played one before, but very quickly found myself "signed up" to learn how to play. There is a couple who is going to lend me an instrument and a book--it sounded like they could use a bass player for a group. So who knows....the adventure continues....


Lydee said...

Yeah! The viol sounds like an adventure. That's wonderful that you get to learn how to play one. Thanks for the link; I had never seen one before. The sound is beautiful. It seems like it would be complicated to play. Is that so?

I'm so excited for you! Have fun! I can't wait to hear more about it!

Lydee said...

And I'm glad the recital went well. You'll have a lot of practicing to keep you busy over the next few months!