Sunday, July 20, 2008


This weekend I babysat the 5 year old and the (almost) 3 year old while the parents went on an overnight getaway. I'd have to say that all three of us thoroughly enjoyed it. It amazes me how easy it is to keep little children occupied and interested in something. The three year was quite content sliding down the slide at the playground many times in a row, each time proclaiming, "again!" or "catch me Gina!"

The 5 year old is working on reading. We were coloring at the kitchen table and she was lamenting that she couldn't read the words printed on an advertisement, so I started writing her sentences that should could figure out. It was a blast--I absolutely loved working with her on reading. I would never want to have to teach a whole classroom full of kids how to read, but one on one I'd take probably most any day.

It amazes me how the Lord can use kids to humble me. We were going to the store and the 5 year old was taking Jesus pictures to hand out to people. At one point she asked me if my Mom knew Jesus. I said I didn't know. She said, "well, why don't you ask her?"

So...yeah. Nothing like the straightforward talk from a 5 year old who has a heart to share Jesus. No beating around the bush or not saying something out of fear of offending someone. Perhaps we could all learn a lesson from that.

1 comment:

Lydee said...

aww, that is sweet. wish you could come play with my kids and give mommy a break :-)