Sunday, July 18, 2010

Minimalist Camping, Part 3

So I was figuring out what to write tonight and thought I would post my final blog about our camping trip. The whole trip came about due to a Cirque du Solei show my brother wanted to see, so one of our days we spent the day in Hartford.

We went up early in order to visit the Mark Twain house. The house was fascinating with all of its architectural details on both the outside and inside. I am intrigued by Twain's desire to "keep up with the Jones-es"--no expense was spared, and in fact, I guess the house went way over budget when it was built. According to the PBS documentary I watched on him, he really thought that a lavish house and being wealthy could keep his family from harm. What a sad awakening for him it must've been when tragedy struck and he lost all of his money. A good reminder that our hope and trust should not be in earthly possessions.

Built in 1874, Twain let the architect have his way, with the stipulation that it be a red house. We had expected to be able to roam the house at our own pace, but they only did house tours. It was neat hearing the descriptions as we were going through--we certainly learned more than if we had roamed by ourselves.

As we were getting ready to leave and head over for the Cirque show, we started looking at one of the exhibits they had in the museum: the Hartford circus fire that took place during the 40s. This wasn't the most encouraging thing to read about as we were presently headed over to watch a circus show. But thankfully all went well....

The infamous Cirque du Solei tent, an impressive set up which houses an even more impressive show.

The next day we took one more trip down to the beach and then started our trek back home. All in all a great trip, with only a few minor misadventures. :-)


Martha said...

I liked your camping trip. Thanks for taking me along. :)

Gina said...

You're welcome! Thanks for commenting along the way!