Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Red Fish, Blue Fish

Have I mentioned that I love reading? Always have and hopefully always will. Historical fiction is my favorite, but I do enjoy reading a variety of different genres.

So...apparently my niece loves to read as well. I found this out when I went down for a few days last month to help watch the kid while the rest of the family worked on my sister & bro-in-law's new house.

She was constantly asking to be read to. Thankfully she is not into chapter books yet and has a good collection of board books to keep the reader entertained. As you can see from the photo above, size doesn't matter.

Rumor has it my sister has taken to hiding certain books. Considering she is a teacher and most teachers encourage reading, the situation must be pretty desperate. But I enjoyed it while I was there!


Martha said...

How fun! I do love a good board book. My very first word was "book."

I miss reading chapter books to my kids. Now I'm waiting for my grandsons to be big enough for chapter books... or maybe the little girls I babysit.

Gina said...

That's pretty neat that your first word was book!

Laura Brugge said...

Too cute!!! I love reading to my kids, but admit that it was even better when they could read to me. Not because I was lazy :-) but because I was so excited to see them grow!!!