Monday, March 5, 2007

After a Week of Being Sick...

After a week of being sick, I am thankful to have had such a productive day catching up on many things around here. I don't recommend hitting your head on a car door, it can cause major headaches (both literally and figuratively). First of all, if you go to the doctor for it, you have to claim it on your car insurance, even if the car was stationary when you hit it. I couldn't believe it. Secondly, don't have major headaches and the flu at the same time, not a good combination. Third, headaches from a "head injury" can last up to two or three weeks according to my doctor. So..please be praying because I go back to work tomorrow (along with my ibuprofen and Tylenol). Lesson learned: never hit your head on the car door.


Martha said...

Okay, you hit your head on the car door. But weren't you in an accident too, or was I misinformed?

Martha said...

Oh, by the way, I do hope you are feeling better. Headaches are... well, a headache! No fun!!!

Anonymous said...

There go MY weekend plans! ;-D

Anonymous said...

The way I understand it, she hit her head first and then she let some idiot friend of hers drive her car, and THEN she got in an accident.
And then, I suppose, she had to talk on the phone with insurance people for days on end with the flu and a headache.
Happy Friday Gina!

Gina said...

Yeah, so I did hit my head on the car door, and then later that day got into an accident.

Martha said...

Don't feel too bad Idiot Friend, we all have those days. I'm pretty sure Gina still loves you...

Gina said...

Of course I still love her!