Sunday, January 27, 2008


Sundays are supposed to be a day of rest....not a day for doing report cards. It is maddening to me that I have spent both Saturday and part of Sunday doing work related things. My plan was to get the report cards finished Friday (on my day off--day off meaning: day that I'm not supposed to be working) but I woke up not feeling well and it didn't happen. Yesterday afternoon was Solo Festival and afterwards I was able to get some of the report cards done. This morning I was planning on going to my friend's church, but woke up feeling like I didn't sleep all night. So I made the decision to skip church and get started on the cards, because I had a feeling if I went to church I wouldn't have the energy to do the report cards when I got home. Well, at 11:08am, I'm happy to say that I only have 16 cards left to do and I've listened to a fascinating teaching over the internet, but I must say that I am questioning my decision.

You might be asking how I got myself in this pickle to begin with...well, my time at school has been spent preparing for a field trip I took my kids on Thursday and a concert we have on Tuesday. Since the report cards are due Monday, and I am only there three days a week, I just haven't had the time to get them done in school.

There are so many things wrong with this scenario that I won't even attempt to begin naming them. So I will just pray that the Lord will give me the grace to deal with it and that He will meet with me right where I am.

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