Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Plants on Steroids

I've been meaning to post this picture for awhile, but in the midst of packing and getting ready to move, I've neglected to do it. This is my Gerber daisy, my lovely plant that has actually lasted for almost four years. When I first got it, it bloomed once then decided it was done for a few years. Since I started feeding it the fertilizer that my Mom gave me, it's done some pretty amazing growing. Granted the plant is looking slightly wilted in this photo, but I wanted to capture it while it was blooming away.


Lydee said...

wow, that's pretty awesome! and keeping a plant alive for 4 years, I'd say you have your mom's green thumb. :-)

Lydee said...

btw, most of the flowers she gave me are still doing well. I think of you guys everytime I see them.

Gina said...

Thanks! I'll let Mom know they are doing well!