Friday, January 26, 2007

This Week

I have been meaning to post an update earlier this week, but it never got around to it. The cause: report cards. They are due Monday, so I've been working on them a little each night. And them happy to say that after I finish inputting the fourth grade cards tomorrow, I will only have 12 more to finish. I am so thankful that they are almost done!

An interesting thing happened Tuesday night. It turns out I never set my alarm that night before I went to bed, so come Wednesday morning I overslept. It was the Lord's grace that our extremely loud shower woke me up, and that I had enough time to get to school on time. But what was really strange about it was that I woke up at least four times during the night. Each time I checked my clock to see what time it was, but I never noticed that the alarm was not on. It was as if the Lord was giving me a chance to realize my error, but I never caught on to it. So the craziness continues...

This morning as we were praying, I was dreading going in to teach today, because I really wanted to time just to rest and finish report cards. In the midst of a prayer my roommate knocked on the door and told me that my school was closed for the day. That was pretty cool, an answer even before we finished praying. So,'s been a week.

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