Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Why I'm Not Married.......

While reading my music history text today, I came across the answer to one of life's mysteries... why I am not married:

"Dancing is essential in a well ordered society, because it allows males and females to mingle and observe one another. How else does lady decide whom to marry? Through dancing, she can tell whether someone is shapely and fit or unattractive and lame, whether he is in good health or has unpleasant breath, and whether he is graceful and attentive or clumsy and awkward."
-Thoinot Arbeau 1589

I guess doing folk dancing with my kids at church doesn't count!


Anonymous said...

Unbelievable! I couldn't resist posting a reply - be grateful that you have not been "swept (danced) away using this criteria for marriage. The cost from a spiritual perspective is much too "dear" (expensive).

Gina said...

Amen. I completely agree with you. It's hard to imagine this being one of the "things to look for in a husband."