Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Time for a Break

Sometimes I really just need to stop, get out my guitar and have a private worship session to get myself out of a funk. One of my favorite hymns is How Great Thou Art. I've known it for as long as I can remember and I was thrilled when I found the guitar chords. I was rehearsing once with a worship leader who had How Great Thou Art on the list of songs we were going to do, but changed his mind because he said it was, "too hard to put together." This still puzzles me to this day because I just don't understand what was so challenging about the song. It's in 3/4 and there are some jumps in the melody.....but I still don't understand what the problem is. It is interesting what we associate with different things--now whenever I sing that song that memory is brought to mind as I wonder why that person found it to be a challenge.

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