Friday, January 23, 2009

Today's Church

Came across this today:



Anonymous said...

That dude makes me mad. Somebody should call the ASPCA on that sheep abuser.

Anonymous said...

That is very discouraging...unfortunately, the mindset creeps even into groups who condemn the purpose-driven church philosophy putting such an emphasis on preparing for the sermon, and I understand that need to be prepared, but still, ministry is about people, because you glorify Jesus by being about people and having a heart for people.

Pastor Noble says that he does not want to be a visiting pastor...and unfortunately, this is a heresy and mistake that even the great A.W. Tozer made too...Tozer said that he wasn't to be a visiting pastor either, and I just do not undestand it either...

Gina said...

You couldn't have said it better!