Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Viola Therapy

"When life gives you lemons, you make lemonade." This was part of a conversation I had with a colleague today as I related my discouragement and frustration over a situation I am dealing with at school. I am so discouraged by the lack of support from the administration in one of my's to the point where there is a rather large part of me that is ready to be out of the public school system. While I enjoy working with the students, working with other teachers, parents and principals can be exasperating.

Anyways, after shoveling slush off the driveway, and then later recovering from the effort put into shoveling, I decided to get out my viola. Haven't played for awhile and I had forgotten how therapeutic playing is. As I was playing through a couple of hymns I am considering playing at church, I came to the realization that simple is sometimes the best. There is something wonderful about playing a simple hymn while taking the time to make each note sound its best. As a musician, I think we tend to get carried away turning hymn arrangements into virtuosic pieces. Is what I am playing for the Lord or is the focus on me and how "good" of a musician I am. While I agree that we should share the gifts that the Lord has given us in the area of music, I think we need to be careful about mixing the world's ideal of musicianship with the Lord's.

In the chaotic craziness that is my life right now, I long for a season where life is simple and uncluttered. How I will get there I have no idea. But it is comforting knowing in the midst of the chaos the Lord just wants me to have a simple, childlike faith--in His eyes, that is what is beautiful. Perhaps that is why I am drawn to the beauty of playing a simple hymn on a solo instrument (preferably a viola....yes, I am biased).

1 comment:

Lydee said...

yes, simple is best. i loved my break because I led an uncomplicated life. pj's all day, good book, good food, what could be better?

Praying for you.