Saturday, February 17, 2007


Have you ever wondered why the Lord has hooked you up with certain people that are in your life? Sometimes I really wonder--there are people from church whom the Lord has put me together with--helping them out with their kids and such. It is definitely ordained by the Lord, but sometimes I just question as to why. Tonight as i was driving home a scripture was brought to mind, the one where Jesus says that "They that are whole have no need of the physician, but they that are sick: I came not to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance" (Mark 2:17).

I may not know why the Lord has put me in a place to minister to certain folks, but I guess I shouldn't be surprised when the ministering isn't always easy, or when I realize that the people I'm ministering to are sinners saved by grace (just like the rest of us). But what I am more convinced of is that perhaps even more important than the actual ministering is the praying for them. I believe the Lord puts each of us in unique positions to pray for certain people with a knowledge and depth that others may not have. That He opens our eyes to certain issues when He wants us to pray for them. Lord help us to minister as You would have us to. I know that I need mercy and grace in order to do that. I do pray that we would be open to the "divine appointments" that You give us and that You would give us wisdom for each person You desire us to minister to.


Martha said...

I know that I have wondered at times why the Lord has asked me to minister to certain people, especially when they stretch me to a new capacity. I don't like to be stretched but I know that is how God grows me and uses me to further His plan. I should be happy that He has chosen to use me but often I am forgetful. I have even forgotten that I asked Him to use me and found myself complaining. Bad, bad!

Prayer.. yes! May I ever be before Him, on my knees, bringing precious souls before the Throne. He is still working on me inthis area too.

Martha said...

Not a very clear or concise comment. Sorry.

Gina said...

Thanks for the comment, it makes sense. I'm glad I'm not the only one who struggles with this. I don't like to be stretched or taken out of my comfort zone either, but it seems that the Lord keeps challenging me on this front especially lately. But I guess in the long run I should be glad about it, because it means that in some way, shape, or form He is at work in me. Thanks again!

Martha said...

Years ago I babysat a boy who was "somewhat difficult". One day I was almost sure I heard the Lord whisper, "Martha, these are the kind of people I save." Now nearly 20 years later, this young man still says, "I love you, Martha" when he hangs up the phone. He's still not saved, but I am still hopeful.

Gina said...

I have to tell you, the Lord knows when we need encouragement. The next day I spent some more time with these people and it was a huge blessing!

Anonymous said...

I think God definitely puts certain people in our lives for a reason! Since He knows our hearts and minds and every single little thing about us, he knows who to put in our paths to help form us into who He wants us to be, so he can better use us for the glory of His Kingdom. :)