Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Change is the Only Constant......

excepting the Lord of course: He never changes. Good thing, I mean, who wants to put their trust in a God who constantly changes? As I was helping friends pack for a cross country move, I couldn't help but think, here we go again--things are changing. Anyone who knows me well knows that I do not greet change with excitement. I can say that the Lord is fully in control and knows exactly what He is doing, even if I can't grasp it. Besides, He knows what is best for each one of us and who would want anything less than that? But is doesn't always make it easier to deal with at first hearing of the change to come. I think it is more comforting after the news has had time to sink in and the Lord has been at work in the receiver's heart. After all, it is exciting to see where the Lord takes people and how He uses them.

On a less spiritual level, I've finally gotten to the point where I am ready to change & reorganize some of Grandma's things. I'm trying to downsize and declutter, as well as finally go through the rest of my stuff from the apartment that hasn't been dealt with. One of those things is the living room. Grandma's dvd player is starting to go, so tonight I finally got out my tv and dvd player to switch it out with Grandma's. Moving forward! Being a person who doesn't even watch tv, it will be nice to have my small tv replacing a rather large one. For your perusing pleasure, the before and after shots:


(The lovely tv stand was made by my brother-in-law.)


(Big sigh of relief)


Martha said...

That looks like a good change. We don't watch TV anymore as we never converted. The family watches DVD's and videos while I visit my imaginary friends on the blog and Facebook. (I tend to fall asleep while watching movies.)

Sylvia Peck said...

Looks great!

Gina said...

Thanks Sylvia!

I don't tend to watch tv--I don't get many channels. I do movies and DVDs as well.