Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Mercy & Grace

“Peace I leave with you, My peace I give to you;
not as the world gives do I give to you.
Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be

John 14:27

Amen! How easy I seem to forget this verse and start stressing over things. But the Lord has proven himself faithful so many times to bring things to pass that I have no excuse for forgetting this. When I went into school this morning I felt so awful that I thought I would have to leave after my orchestra rehearsal, but by the end of the rehearsal the Lord had given me whatever it was I needed to get through the day. And on top of that He gave me the grace to stay late and get something done that needed to be done.

On a completely different topic, we are supposed to get walupped with snow tonight. It would be absolutely wonderful to have a snow day tomorrow, even one where the teachers had to go it. I need a day to get caught up on things.


Martha said...

I hope you enjoyed the snow day!

Reminds me think of those days as a kid when I hoped and prayed for a snow day but had to get up and go to school anyway. Webster was so far down the list and they hated to cancel school!

Gina said...

I did enjoy it! It was nice just to rest. I went to Webster too, and I remember it took forever to get down to the W's!

T said...

thank you for this, I just found you off of one of marthas comments and was browsing,
I was looking last night for a verse like this and apparently the Lord wanted me to start the day with it not end with it.