Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Orff III

My friend lydee has come up from W.V. and we are in the midst of taking our last Orff level at Eastman. The class goes from 8:30-4:00 everyday and will finish next Friday. This is our 3rd Orff level that we have taken together and so far it is going ok. There are some things that I am really enjoying and one thing that I am thoroughly disappointed over. We are spending more time talking about pedagogy (which I enjoy) and I love the movement portion of the class. The one thing that I am struggling with is the recorder class. I absolutely love playing recorder and am a recorder geek to the nth degree....but I am bored stiff in the class. I was looking forward to being challenged this year and right now I find myself trying to think of some way to challenge myself during class so I don't get antsy. I am that child who will get rebellious in class because he or she is bored.

It may seem like a silly thing to get upset over, but I am finding it hard to keep my emotions under control as I am extremely exhausted from this class, and my MWF 6-8pm music history class. Taking the two classes together is a slow, painful death, and I find myself getting more bitter as it goes on. But thankfully the Lord does provide times of relief and brain breaks. We get an hour lunch, so, if I eat during the first half, lock myself in a practice room and play for the second half, it seems to give me back some level of sanity.

the end. Have a good night.

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