Monday, July 30, 2007

So yeah....

I miss Orff and playing recorder. As intense and stressful as it was at certain points, I did thoroughly enjoy it (and learned a lot). Probably one of the most satisfying parts was simply making music with other music geeks. After five years of teaching and not being part of an ensemble where I have something to practice, I am itching to play music of a much harder level than beginning strings. I think that is partially why I am the recorder geek that I am. And yes, in the end, I did get to play harder recorder music (Telemann Canonic Sonata #3--basically a canon on steroids), so that was a blessing as well. My next step is to see how well I can play that on bass (instead of alto).

Let's see...having Lydee here for two weeks was awesome...without a doubt the biggest blessing was getting to know the people in the class. Having lunch and sharing many conversations M.H. was a highlight. It worked out well, because she was usually grading papers and I was looking for a spot where I wasn't going to have to interact with many people. Yes, I am an introvert at heart and need time to regroup after spending hours with a large group of people. Perhaps this is why I come home many times absolutely exhausted after teaching. Anyways, it is exciting to get to know people and start to build new relationships as you never know where the Lord will take you with them. I am hoping that He will give me the grace to keep in touch with the people I have gotten to know over the past two weeks, because this is usually not one of my strong points. Seeing that it is 11:00 and I have to get up early, it is time for me to sign off. Have a goodnight!


Lydee said...

I think your subconscience is crying out to join some sort of ensemble. And I think it would be more fufilling than tiring. I've been playing around with the idea myself, I just need to get over my audition fear.

j-bone said...

I stumbled on your blog and saw the 2nd Timothy ref. You know, Paul says this about women teaching in 1st Timothy: 11 Let the woman learn in silence with all subjection.
12 But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence.
13 For Adam was first formed, then Eve.
14 And Adam was not deceived, but the woman being deceived was in the transgression.

I think that is complete nonsense, and I think it is great that you *are* teaching. Especially music. (I am a music geek too.) Have a nice day.