Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Musing #564

It occurred to me today that the Lord knows which circumstances we are going to struggle with long before He brings them into our lives. Knowing fully how we will react, He still allows the thing to place in order to do some work in us.

I personally find comfort in that--knowing that He already knows how I'm going to react to a certain situation and that in the midst of it He has my best interests at heart. Especially because there is no doubt that I am in a struggle spot right now, in a couple of ways. But I do need to just continue seeking His face in the midst of it.

Verse that stuck out to me today was "lean not on your own understanding." So yeah...that's about where I am.

1 comment:

Lydee said...

Oh yeah, I definitately was not happy with my school, couldn't figure out what I was doing there, but God knows and who knows, I may brighten a child's day.