Birthdays are such an interesting thing. I find that each year it is a completely different experience. It is also interesting how there are people who greatly publicize that it is their birthday and then there are those who don't. Last year my birthday was on a Saturday and the next day at church there was a present left for me, loudly proclaiming that it was my birthday. Sure enough, practically the whole church knew and I had many well wishes.
This year I woke up, miserable as all get out...wasn't even going to church because I have some "upper respiratory infection " as the doctor put it, I had to figure out how to get cleaned up with a cast on, Grandma's still in the hospital...yada, yada. As I sat down to meet with the Lord, and hopefully be able to cast the miserableness aside, I was reminded of a chapter I had read in Elisabeth Elliot's
On Asking God Why all about "Happy Birthdays." After that I read Psalm 139. I've always considered that the "birthday psalm," and it is one of my favorites.
And it was a blessing. Perhaps it was more of a blessing than going to church would've been. I suppose I'll never know, but for whatever reason, guess the Lord wanted me in the midst of all these circumstances at this time. It was a sweet fellowship that I haven't experienced in quite a while--and a peace with just being still and hearing God speak, reminding me that He is still with me. Blessed silence! No tv on, no noise, it was wonderful....and bittersweet. As I contemplate why the people who should say happy birthday don't and the people who have no reason to know it's your birthday feel bad if they do find out...I realize that in the end it really doesn't matter, as long as you know where you stand with the Lord.
But it does give you a new appreciation and thankfulness for the things that do happen: a family party that truly was fun in the midst of not great circumstances, someone randomly showing up on my door step to say happy birthday, an unexpected birthday card, and a couple of phone calls. So, when it is all said and done, I am grateful that the Lord did step in and remove the loneliness (and self pitying thoughts that generally accompany it), and that the day was a blessing.