Saturday, October 6, 2007

When it Rains, it Pours

As I write from my bed, this is day 3 I've been on my back and off of my foot. I spent Wednesday, 1/2 of Thursday and 1/2 of Friday, as well as today sprawled out on my bed. Contrary to my normal self, I've been trying to be diligent in keeping it up, icing, ibuprofen-ing myself and so forth. Yesterday I attempted to go into work for a meeting in the morning. I started off well--kept up my foot during the meeting, but soon had to take my sneaker off because it hurt so bad. Guess that was clue #1. We went out to lunch and I literally went downhill from there--pain to the point where I couldn't move my foot and having trouble speaking coherently. By the time I got home, my whole body was in pain from using the crutches. So back into bed I went and have been ever since.

It's amazing how little you can do when you are supposed to be off of your foot and you live practically alone. Let's see: I keep alternating between crutches and no crutches. If I use the crutches, I can't carry anything. If I don't use them, my foot hurts worse. Getting food is a challenge and don't even mention standing in the kitchen to do the dishes afterward. Needless to say there is a pile gathering dust as I write. Showering--forget it. I was going to attempt it today, but the foot just hurt too bad. While none of these things are life threatening, it is an interesting perspective for someone to experience who normally is very self sufficient.

Mom spent the yesterday in the emergency room with my grandmother and she is now up in a regular room. She has pneumonia. I'd greatly appreciate prayer for her and my parents. I'm especially praying that this would not trigger another round of hospital & nursing home stays.

Lastly, I found out this morning about the unexpected death of a friend's brother (and another friend's cousin). And at that point you just loose your words and start grieving for the family. When you realize that the person who died is the same age as your brother, you start praying all the harder as the reality that we are here only as long as the Lord would have us to be sinks in. So I would also ask that you be in prayer for that family--that the Lord would minister to each person and bring healing where it is needed.

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