Friday, October 12, 2007

The Sprained Ankle That Never Was

A week after I fell and hurt my ankle, after a week of various doctors appointments coupled with incredibly intense pain, I finally got around to seeing an orthopedic who correctly diagnosed what was going on. The other doctors kept saying it was a sprained ankle, but I had my doubts because of the type of pain i was having, and the fact that it was going up my leg. So it turns out I damaged a tendon and sprained the top of my foot! All because of an accidental slippage as I stepped into the apartment building!

The results: Wednesday the doctor sent me home with a boot that was supposed to immobilize my foot but allow me to walk. I got home and realized it was too big and my foot was slipping. The next day I went into school with it and it was absolutely horrible...more pain than before. Left school early to go back to the doctor who realized the mistake and gave me a smaller boot. It was definitely an improvement, but it still was painful to walk. So...the last option was to cast it and today I had it done. The receptionist and I are now on a first name basis and I am finally feeling relief from the pain. I am so glad I decided to get the cast. Twas a bit strange because the doctor and an assistant actually tried to talk me out of it. But anyways, for the next couple of weeks I will be stylin with my blue cast and fashionable cast boot. Since blue is my favorite color and most of my wardrobe is built around that bit of info., I will probably be more fashionable now than I have been in months.

The next challenge will be figuring out what clothes I can and can't wear to work over the next couple of weeks...must fit over the cast, but be modest enough so that I can keep my leg up while teaching, and..oh yeah, I have to be able to play cello in it. But that will be tomorrow's adventure (along with getting back to my grad work). God bless and have a good night!

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