Monday, June 2, 2008

Maine: The Return

So after reading my last post you might be thinking that I could use a break from reality. Thankfully that opportunity was provided in the form of my brother needing a ride to Maine for the summer. Funds were secured and my sister, brother-in-law, and myself spent the weekend taking my brother and his "stuff" up to Maine. Provided we didn't spend a whole week camping this year, "stuff" is a slight understatement of everything that traveled to Maine in the Subaru (see last year's picture below).

Thankfully all appropriate people and items were disposed of accordingly and the return trip was made in the lap of luxury with an almost empty backseat.

Sanity was maintained throughout the trip by a variety of beverages and smart remarks. Last year's beverage of choice was diet Mt. Dew:

While Mt. Dew still proved to be the overall beverage of choice, the trip started with a Dunkin Donuts stop:

Note this year's trip upgrade included a handy GPS (not mine) which was helpful in finding more Dunkin Donuts to stop at. (We were able to hold off until Massachusetts to make our second stop.)

Upgrades for future Maine trips were discussed at length throughout the drive up. Suggestions included a GPS that includes downloadable wise cracks, gives whether forecasts, allows one to check his e-mail and watch movies, a camouflage RV and a jumbo jet. Thankfully my brother is not planning on going back to Maine for a few years in order to give us time to make the appropriate upgrades.

I should make a note hear that at the second caffeination stop of the trip I did not, I repeat, did not purchase a caffeinated beverage. That is my Gatorade in the photo at the right.

Well, I realize that you are waiting in suspense for the rest of the details of our fabulous trip, but as the hour is getting late for the old lady school marm that I am, I must wait till tomorrow to share with you the beverage excitement that awaited us in Maine.

I also realize that I did not do our first Maine trip justice as far as blogging goes, so I will have to do better this time. So...adieu for now...and more later.

1 comment:

Lydee said...

sounds awesome! can't wait to hear more!