Friday, June 20, 2008

An Uncluttering Day

Not too much to share, except this has been the first time in over a month that I've been able to attack some odds-n-ends and pack a few boxes for the great move. All in all a productive day, which is always a blessing.

In teaching news, the last day is next Friday, at which time I may just throw myself a party. Professionally this has been a great year; personally, it has been a school year that I never thought would end. I was ready to retire back in October! Lydee wrote about retirements in her building as being the "end of an era." We have four key people either leaving or retiring this year, people I've taught with for the past six years, and unfortunately, they are all a part of the small handful of sane people in the building. Definitely the "end of an era" on my end as well.

So many changes have taken place in my life since the school year has started that I'm not dreading the change as I would've if the rest of my life wasn't turned upside down in some ways. But I can't complain, because the Lord warned me and gave me the desire for change--I just wasn't prepared for how many changes have or will be taking place. :-)

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