Saturday, September 20, 2008

The Five Year Old

So tonight I took the five year old and the three year old over to visit Grandma. It was a real nice visit--its amazing how small kids can minister to older adults, in a way that I never could. When we got there Grandma was in a pretty foul mood, but by the time I left she seemed to be doing better. On the way back to the kids house, the five year old asked me if I had any kids. I told her that I didn't because I wasn't married. She then proceeded to think out loud, pondering the fact that if I got married my husband wouldn't know her and her family. So she then concluded that I should see if any of their neighbors were guys. She suggested that we go door to door telling people about Jesus and seeing if there were any men available to be married. Now, I've had many family members tell me that I should be out shopping for a man, but this is the first time I've had a five year old bring up the subject!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm all for it, let's go!