Monday, September 22, 2008

I'm late, I'm late, for a very important date!

with my pillow that is. So it's way too late for me to be posting, but I guess that's what I get for having a parent night tonight--a 12 hour work day. Anyways, sometimes belting out songs in a house by yourself with a guitar is a very relaxing thing. No need to worry about who's listening, or when your fingers (which lost their calluses long ago) land on the wrong string. It's all good. Except for that occasional guitar twang that throws you off. But thankfully if your heart is right as you're worshiping the Lord, it doesn't matter. I'm looking forward to the day when we're worshiping around the throne. My personal hope is that we will be singing in four part harmony, not limited by time or the end of a verse, but that it'll be one gloriously long span of worship where people are not conscious of "how good they are," but that they will be free in their singing, improving as the Spirit leads (all decently and in order of course). But anyways, I realize that what I want has absolutely nothing to do with anything, and that what we will encounter when we get there will be much better than I could've ever imagined. Of course, I guess I should confess before I sign off that I am officially joining Sylvia's campaign to "Sing Hymns Loudly." Now I really need to sign off...goodnight....zzzzzzzz

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