Friday, August 31, 2007


So my track record with coffee this week hasn't been the greatest. I've been getting up earlier and going into school, and it is definitely taking some getting used to. Yesterday I made the coffee and then proceeded to walk out the door without it. Today I got the coffee and water in, turned on the coffee maker, turned my back, and then realized I had forgotten to put a cup underneath it. So hopefully tomorrow will go better.


Lydee said...

Perhaps I should call and wake you up every morning! "Don't forget your coffee!"
BTW, can't remember which book you were thinking of. I just bought some more yesterday. There was one in our notes that MH said was a must to add to oue library. Orff-Schulwerk: Applications for the Classroom"
Brigitte Warner;

Lydee said...

Oh, and sorry I missed your call. I took the kiddies out for breakfast at McDonald's. The one with the playground of course : ) It has wireless (for a small fee) so I got some lesson planning done while they played.